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5 Convincing Reasons Writing Is an Antidote to Stress and Loneliness

by Dorian Martin

Writing is a creative, artistic activity that people around the globe practice as a hobby or profession. Whether you’re writing books, poems, blog posts, short stories, articles, or even novels, writing is helping you cope with stress and loneliness.

You may not be aware of it, but writing is great for your mental health. If you're not sure how or why just keep reading and we'll break it down together.

Here are 5 convincing reasons writing is an antidote to stress and loneliness.

1.     Processing Emotions

If we take a deep look into ourselves, we’ll see all kinds of mixed emotions, hidden feelings, and desires. We'll also see our fears, worries, and problems.

However, it’s not always easy to take that deep look inside and process everything that we feel.

Luckily, writing is a great way to use creativity and artistic drive to:

-        process our emotions

-        express how we feel

-        cope with our feelings

Writing is a gateway to our inner world and helps us get in touch with ourselves. This further helps us fight stress and get all those suppressed emotions out on the surface.

2.     Fighting Monotony

Loneliness is a feeling no one wants to experience. Still, more often than not we start feeling lost, alone, and lonely.

Many things are causing us to feel lonely:

-        lack of true friends

-        monotonous lifestyle

-        not enough people to share our ideas with

-        nostalgia over an old friend or former home

However, using the power of our imagination can take us wherever we want to go. That means we can use writing to fight against loneliness.

We can write about a whole different world and escape using our fantasy and creativity.

3.     Personal Growth

People don't like to stand in one place. Stagnation is something we should all avoid. Instead, we should always aim toward personal growth.

Working on our personal improvement gives us a sense of progress and purpose. This, in return, makes us feel happy about ourselves and even gives us a reason to wake up with a smile.

Writing is a great way to work on ourselves and improve. Here’s how:

-        researching for our writing enriches our general knowledge

-        perfecting our writing skills boosts our confidence

-        exploring different types of written content broadens our horizons

-        learning about tools and resources help us improve

“Learning, improving, and mastering new skills is what every person should strive for. Personal growth will make us feel accomplished and will reduce the stress we might otherwise have to struggle with,” says Maria Faber, a freelance writer and editor at Subjecto.

4.     Critical Thinking

Sometimes, it’s hard for us to think clearly and set our head straight. When we’re busy, anxious, or tense, there’s no way we can deal with the problems and struggles we’re facing.

Instead, our minds get even blurrier and we find it harder to address our problems.

However, writing can help to:

-        clear our mind

-        critically assess the problem

-        explore our options

-        focus

-        calm down

While we're doing something that we love, writing, we're calming ourselves down and becoming more focused. Also, we even get to write about the things we're facing and assess them from a different standpoint.

This is a great way to cope with problems and stress.

5.     Staying Connected

We all want to feel like we belong somewhere and are connected to the rest of the world. Being connected with people is what fighting loneliness is all about.

Luckily, writing gives us a chance to connect with people from all over.

Publishing and sharing our work with the rest of the world is crucial for feeling accomplished, happy, satisfied, and connected. Once you share your work, it will continue to live.

People will:

-        respond to your work

-        give you feedback

-        enjoy what you’ve written

-        reach out to you

Your social life will be richer since you’ll be making connections with other fellow writers, critics, and your audience.

When you’re publishing, make sure that everything you write is proofread. Use Studyker, Grammarly, or Write Scout to ensure you’re sharing top-notch content.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, writing is a great way to reduce stress, fight anxiety and loneliness. Writing will lift your spirit, awaken your creativity and help you process your emotions.

Keep writing and you’ll not only enjoy time well spent, but you’ll also benefit your mental health immensely.


Dorian Martin is a freelance blogger and a writer with years of experience. He primarily focuses on giving actionable tips to his readers, as well as providing guidance and giving credible information. He’s currently working as a writer at Top Essay Writing and Classy Essay.