Mindy McGinnis

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Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire Is On Facebook!

I’ve been blogging since 2011, and podcasting since 2017. I started the blog as a way to pay forward the good advice and mentorship that I’d received from authors who were ahead of me in the game. Since 2011, blogs have gone almost extinct and interaction on them is nil. I’ve often considered shuttering the blog, only to have someone reach out and tell me how much it means to them.

I started the podcast with the idea of pushing the blog forward, and it’s gone well. The blog and podcast are the highest trafficked points on my site. That being said, it’s time to get feedback!

Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire now has a Facebook page. Like and Follow, and let me know what you’d like to see more of (or less!) on the blog. Mention guests you’d like to see on the podcast, or topics you’d like to hear discussed. Also, if you’ve got a specific question about your publishing journey, your work, or are just looking for some good old-fashioned advice, post on Facebook and let me know!

I’ll pick questions from listeners to address on each new episode.

Stay tuned in 2021 for interviews with agents, editors, and an upcoming series titled “You’re Doing it Wrong.” In it, I’ll have experts in their fields (doctors, police, firefighters, you name it!) telling us what they see books, TV and movies getting wrong about their profession.

Help shape the future of the show by sharing your thoughts on Facebook!