Interview Series
There are a few series of interviews I do here on the blog. Past interviews are linked below!
CRAP: Cover Reveal Anxiety Phase. Let's talk covers! What's the process? How much input do authors have? Hear from debut authors on their cover experiences. Example CRAP Interviews
NOW: Newly Omniscient Authors. Some of my interviewees have been in the business awhile. Has publishing changed… or just their perspective of it? I asked them. They answered me. Example NOW Interviews
SAT: Successful Author Talk. SAT authors have conquered the query, slain the synopsis and attained the pinnacle of published. How'd they do it? Let's ask 'em! Example SAT Interviews
SHIT: Submission Hell - It's True. If there's one thing that many aspiring writers have few clues about, it's the submission process. I managed to cobble together a few non-specific questions that some debut authors have agreed to answer (bless them). Example SHIT Interviews
SNOB: Second Novel Omnipresent Blues. We all like to hear about the journey to publication, and hopefully other people's success stories help bolster the confidence of those still slogging through the query trenches. But what happens after that first book deal? When the honeymoon is over, you end up back where you were - sitting in front of a blank Word document with shaky hands. Except this time, there are expectations hanging over you. Example SNOB Interviews
SWAG: Shit We All Generate..Today writers have to be more than just writers - love it or hate it, we are marketers as well. Most authors will agree that the creative part of the job is where we excel, the business and marketing side, slightly less. It’s lovely when the two can meet in the form of SWAG – Shit We All Generate. Example SWAG Interviews
WHAT: What the Hell Are you Thinking? Inspiration is a funny thing. It can come to us like a lightning bolt, through the lyrics of a song, or in the fog of a dream. Ask any writer where their stories come from and you’ll get a myriad of answers, and in that vein I created the WHAT? (What the Hell Are you Thinking?) interview. Always included in the WHAT? is one random question to really dig down into the interviewee’s mind, and probably supply some illumination into my own as well. Example WHAT Interviews