Don't be afraid to ask for help with the most critical first step of your writing journey - the query.
I’ve been blogging since 2011 and have critiqued over 200 queries here on the blog using my Hatchet of Death. This is how I edit myself, it is how I edit others. If you think you want to play with me and my hatchet, shoot me an email.
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My thoughts are in blue, words to delete are in red, suggested rephrasing is in orange.
I am seeking representation for my thriller ALL THE MEMORIES COME TO KILL (89,000 words) in which a man is blackmailed into tracking down a serial killer by a mysterious woman with his same nightmares. Since this is a little convoluted I suggest jumping right in with your hook, and put title, genre, and word count at the bottom.
Jack Foster is a Hong Kong accountant busting the books of the Hong Kong Triads. After he uncovers a triad money-laundering scheme, the gang’s enforcer derails his investigation by brutally murdering Jack's his wife, Mara. Jack’s grief turns to anger after the police run out of clues.
Then a similar murder in Los Angeles makes the news. Jack quits his job to travel there and track the killer down. While waiting to depart, he’s sent a video depicting Mara's final moments. The trauma wipes all memory of her death and with it, any plans to investigate.. That seems incredibly unlikely. He lands in LA, convinced he’s arrived for a new job and Mara will soon be joining him. .But that's not a memory wipe, that's either hallucination or severe mental illness.
Only Jack’s subconscious isn’t about to give up. His vivid imagination creates a female alter ego. an alter ego for who? Himself? who blackmails him to continue investigating under the ruse her sister was the victim.. So he's blackmailing... himself? And for what? What did he do that is worth blackmailing him for? Together,they skirt the line between reality and fantasy while torturing suspects to very real deaths. Now a psychopathic enforcer must face his ultimate nightmare—a victim. But Jack isn't a victim, technically. His wife was. crazier than he is. Only Jack’s strength depends on believing Mara is still alive, and to complete his revenge, he must first accept her death.. Does he though? If he and this female alter ego are murdering people, aren't they on the path of the killer anyway?
For the most part, this is just confusing. I don't think you want to frame this as him having his memory wiped. It's more like a psychotic break, but to my understanding, those don't tend to last for a long time, the way you need it to for this plot to work. I don't understand what the alter ego is blackmailing him for, or really what's at stake since the end game will be the same - the death of the killer - whether Jack gets his memory back or not.