Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately…

1) Netflix recommended a documentary on human sacrifices for me based on my viewing habits. Not sure what prompted that.

2) Sorry male followers but I've got to share the fact that my yearly (and if you don't know what that means just ask a girl) is always scheduled to fall on Valentine's Day. Yep. Right. On. The. Day.

3) I really want to see the American version of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Boyfriend is not as interested as I'd hoped. I may have to play the girlfriend card on this one. How many girls play that card for a David Fincher film?

Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately…

1) I just realized that the tune for the "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" prayer and "Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo" are the same. Now, that's funny.

2) I didn't enjoy fashion in the '80s the first time around. I've mentioned multiple times that I want grunge back, but after watching Dowtown Abbey for the first time this week (yes, I realize I'm behind), I've decided that instead I'd like early 1900's clothes to come back. And I also want someone to dress me and do my hair everyday. Thanks, that'd be great.

3) And speaking of Dowtown Abbey (SEASON ONE SPOILERS AHEAD), I think that Lady Mary's virginity-losing sex that killed the Turkish envoy was the best abstinence advertisement I've ever seen. That's right kids - you CAN get pregnant the first time you have sex, you CAN get an STD the first time, and it is likely that your lover will DIE on top of you!

Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately…

1) I try to say random things sometimes in response to perfectly reasonable statements. You should try it sometime. Anyway, I finally got up the courage to order a flashy coffee from McDonald's and had actually written down a guide for myself in preparation for the drive-thru. Once I got there, I was informed that "the machine that makes hot drinks is broken." Which of course, I thought was really funny and I said, "It's OK, I'm my own machine that makes hot drinks." And then I thought (to myself), "Oh, technically... that's correct." Ewwwwww.

2) Stress is awesome. I love it. I thrive on it. None of those things are true. However, I do find myself to be much more productive when I'm stressed as I have an inherent need to *do* something about it. One of my poor stress-related choices last week was to eat three pieces of dessert pizza as an antidote to stress. A couple things - a) it doesn't work and b) you then feel stressed and fat.

3) One of my New Year's goals is to shed a little of my Writer's Waist. It's not bad, it's just not what it used to be either. So I've been hitting the treadmill everyday for at least a half hour* and forcing myself to move around unnecessarily. I've discovered something - running is one hell of a stress reliever, and also Pavlov was totally onto something. My treadmill is in my library and Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is directly in my line of sight as I run. I now associate it with anger, pain, and being out of breath and will probably never, ever read it.

*Disclaimer - I do not actually run for the entire half-hour. I was not made for such things.