Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately...

1) I want the humor of the 2000's and the humor of the 90's to blend into one with the overuse of "That's what your mom said."

2) If you want to turn it into a publishing joke you add, "in space."

3) If you want to make sure the sexual innuendo super clear you add, "last night."

That's what your mom said in space last night.

Thursday Thoughts

Have you missed these? I still have thoughts.

Thoughts lately...

1) Kickback and pushback mean very different things, but if taken literally the only difference is doing something with your hand or your foot.

2) We call indoor heating heat but we call air conditioning air, not cool. So when we ask someone. "Do you have air? Is the air on?" It's like, yes, everyone has air. No, you can't turn it on or off. Why don't we say, "Turn the cool on" or "Turn the cool down" which would be the appropriate opposite of "turn the heat up."

3) Why is the Philippines spelled with a "Ph" but Filipino spelled with an "F?"

Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately...

1) Is there any dirt under all the ice in Antarctica? Or is it just a floating ice cube? I'm sure there's dirt, but I wondered nonetheless.

2) I see a lot of posts about how to get smokey eyes just right. It's easy guys. Sleep in yesterday's makeup.

3) I don't think horseradish was ever meant to be eaten. Somebody made a mistake a long time ago and we're all paying for it now.