Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately...

1) There's money in wedding photography, but divorce photography would be much more interesting.

2) Methodist churches need to stop shortening their name to "Meth Church" for signage purposes.

3) Likewise, "Sunday Worship" probably shouldn't be shortened to "Sun Worship." Not the same thing.

Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately include questioning the lyrics of pop music:

1) If lightning really struck every time she moved, that girl would be a very difficult person to be around.

2) If Adele set fire to the rain it would be more of an ecological disaster than a romantic gesture.

3) If John Mayer really survived on the breath someone else was finished with he wouldn't make it far because technically that's carbon dioxide.

Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately...

1) I'm very grateful for the invention of Bluetooth technology. When I'm "writing" while I drive, (which includes gestures and speaking) people just think I'm swanky and up-to-date, not insane.

2) It's extremely difficult to hold your tongue perfectly still. Seriously. Go stand in front of mirror with your mouth hanging open and concentrate on your tongue. It moves. Even when you're telling it not to. Conclusion: your tongue is self-aware.

3) You cannot name the person you are in a relationship with on Facebook if they are not on Facebook. Isn't this an indicator of a cult? You shall not date someone outside of the group.