Thursday Thoughts

Thoughts lately...

1) Played the game of LIFE with the extended family this week. Rules state that the winner at the end of the game is the one that has the most money. Great life lesson, Milton-Bradley. That's awesome.

2) I get hurt doing very random things. Yesterday I hit my tooth on my car door while getting into it. Just the one tooth. Not my lip. Direct tooth hit. Right on the door. Who does this?

3) I had to amp the workout routine up a bit because it was no longer winding me. So the treadmill has been kicked up a notch and now I'm in pain. I don't understand why my reward is a punishment. My reward should be Cadbury Eggs.

Wild Wednesday

In the desolate world of NOT A DROP TO DRINK the wildlife have regained the upper hand. Coyotes roam during the day and raccoons stand up for a better look at passing humans, not familiar enough with these odd bipeds to be afraid.


My own little desolate corner of Ohio isn't so very unlike DRINK. I wake up regularly in the night to coyotes raucously celebrating another kill and deer stop to stare whenever I walk outside to load the stove. I've popped the lid off the plastic cat food container more than once to find a possum inside. And boy is that ever awesome. I love it every time.

So anyway, I have two trailcams set up in the field behind my house, and I thought I'd share bits and pieces of the humorous, the odd, and the sometimes downright frightening things that pass by in the middle of nowhere...

This is one that I stared at for awhile, trying to figure out WTF it was.