How to Find Your Readers: 7 Basic Tools to Use

by Scott Mathews

What’s the one thing that determines your success or failure as a writer? What’s the one thing that determines whether your audience will read your work and take action or not? It is content. The quality of your content determines virtually everything. Readers want to sacrifice their time for valuable, persuasive and organized content. They want something that will transform their lives for the better.

Therefore, before thinking of marketing your article or book, you need to ensure that your content is on point. Both quality and quantity play a critical role in determining whether your business will grow or not. Since there are many experienced content writers around you, it’s important to learn from them to avoid making silly mistakes. As the saying goes, success leaves tracks and so does failure.

Your ideal reader

Before creating content, you need to know who you are writing for. If you start writing without knowing your ideal readers, you’ll end up solving problems that they don’t have. And they won’t waste their time reading your piece.

According to academic writers online, your ideal reader is the person to which your article or blog would most interest. In some cases, they usually represent specific experiences, interests or age group. In other cases, they represent a certain sexuality, ethnicity or religion.

Knowing your target audience will help you craft a story that will appeal to them. Writing from the perspective of your ideal reader will save you a lot of time and energy in the long run. You might think that this process is daunting. But it’s not. In fact, it’s easier than you think. Plus, it’s never too late to adjust a few things for the better. By doing this, your target audience will always be hungry to read your pieces.

Defining your target audience improves your work

As you’ve seen, it’s extremely important to know your reader before creating content. Let’s explore this section because it is at the core of your success in writing. Here’s a short guide to help you know your ideal readers so that you can create quality content.

1.    Pre-writing

While you don’t have to define your ideal reader during this stage, doing so can save you a lot of time and energy in the long run. You’ll easily create a plan that will help you cover their most pressing or important topics. Pre-writing is not compulsory but it helps you plan and plot with your reader in mind.

2.    Concentration

When working on a broad topic or story, it’s easy to get lost since the story can take different directions. If you want people to read your work, you have to concentrate on your theme. Clarity goes hand in hand with direction.

3.    Marketing

Even if you create valuable, organized and persuasive content, you’ll still have to market your work. Do not assume that your readers will find your work without any effort on your side. Marketing is no easy work. Your success will not be determined by your effort. But with the tools you use and how well you use them.

7 tools that will help you find your readers

According to, the tools you choose to use and how you use them will determine your results. Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, it’s never been easier to market your work. You can do it in a couple of seconds without having to pay hundreds of dollars.

1.    WordPress

WordPress is a widely used tool in our world today. Research studies show that this tool powers approximately 30 percent of the internet today. WordPress is a powerful and effective tool when it comes to marketing your work. This tool allows you to host and build sites. You can customize according to your readers’ preferences to increase traffic.

2.    Google Docs

Google Docs is a marketing tool that allows you to do all the work before presenting it to the world. Today, it’s extremely difficult to find writers who don’t use Google Docs to write their books or articles. It’s one of the best performing marketing tools for a reason. It’s not only easy to use but also has a great user experience. If you have WordPress, you can link it with Google Docs to upload your work easily.

3.    Yoast

Yoast is a great tool especially for writers who are focused on SEO. It’s an all-in-one plugin that helps you do a lot of SEO-related things which include optimizing content for keywords, editing and previewing URL slugs and descriptions, suggesting internal links and abstracting SEO tasks. This tool will improve your rankings on search engines thus making it possible for your ideal writers to find your work.

4.    Loom

Loom has been around for a while now. And it’s among the most powerful content marketing tools you can use. It allows you to create, edit and share videos. As custom paper reports, you can use this tool to market your content by creating and posting tutorials for walkthroughs.

5.    Canva

As a content creator, you probably know the importance of including amazing pictures in your work. The best thing about Canva is that it allows you to design the picture you have in mind. If you have a website or blog, this is an ideal marketing tool for you.

6.    Buzzsumo

According to college paper, Buzzsumo is an amazing content marketing tool that helps you analyze what content performs well for any competitor or topic. When using this tool, you’ll see several critical metrics such as backlinks, social shares and influencers sharing a piece of content to name a few. It can also help you connect with the top leaders in your field or industry.

7.    Google Analytics

Speaking of content marketing tools, you cannot leave out Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a powerful tool that helps you understand the metrics of your business and track your performance. By tracking your performance, you’ll easily figure out what you need to adjust to make things work.

Talk to your readers

When you’re writing about something you don’t know much about, it’s easy to fall into the trap of taking a formal tone. While taking an academic voice may make you sound knowledgeable in your field, your readers are highly likely to lose interest. Communicating in a friendly and entertaining way will greatly increase your traffic and readership.


With these seven tools, you shouldn’t have a hard time finding your ideal readers. It’s important to know who your ideal reader is before writing to avoid wasting your time and energy in the long run. Finally, talk to your readers in a friendly and entertaining way. They will appreciate it.


Scott Matthews is an experienced writer and editor at paper writing services, academic writing, and uk essay writers. He loves helping writers unlock their potential by sharing his thoughtful tips on professional writing services. During his free time, he travels with friends or plays with his toddlers.