Overcome Writer's Block: 8 Surprising Effects of Daily Journaling

by Misty Blais

It is now a proven fact that daily journaling is beneficial for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Writing by hand is also great for overcoming writer’s block. It releases inner confidence and motivation. 

The best thing is that you don’t have to write something serious or academic like an essay. You can leave it to professionals at EssayPro. But simply keeping a diary of whatever comes to mind can help you feel less stressed and increase emotional intelligence. Here are several surprising effects of daily journaling.

Increases intelligence

Certainly, the habit of writing is helpful when it comes to learning a language and increasing overall intelligence. Journaling boosts the need to explore language and use new words. It enriches vocabulary and releases creative energy.

Helps to Reduce Stress

Expressive writing helps to deal with stressful thoughts. Putting worries on paper releases the brain from focusing on it. A study has shown that it is helpful for both emotional and physical health. The habit of journaling for 15-20 minutes a day resulted in lowered blood pressure and better liver functioning.

Overall, it is great to deal with overwhelming emotions. When they are not vocalized, bottled feelings can result in stress and anxiety. However, writing about worries helps to make this experience graspable.

Endorses Brain Functioning

Research has proven that there is a direct connection between writing by hand and neurological processes. Writing increases the brain function by providing new neural paths and involving more regions in the brain than typing. The best way to journal is by hand and on paper.

Better Health

This might be one of the most surprising effects of journaling. It actually does improve the immune system and provides faster and better healing, both emotionally and physically. This habit, when practiced constantly, results in improved functioning of the immune system. It lowers the risk of getting sick and improves overall wellbeing.

It also improves the functioning of the liver and lungs. This might be connected to a decrease in stress and stress hormones.

Helps With Depression

Of course, it is not the panacea, but it can help to reduce symptoms of depression and improve your mood. For example, blogging releases dopamine, a hormone that contributes to good mood and a higher happiness level. 

Journaling also helps as it offers an opportunity to be more aware of symptoms and their effects. A person can be more self-conscious about their struggles and thus have more opportunities to react in time.

Increased Memory Capacity

Handwriting trains the brain in many ways. And one of them is the memory boost. Not only does it help to better comprehend the experience and ideas. It also ensures a better remembering capacity. The creation of new neural paths helps to boost one’s memory.

Boosts Creativity

The best way to overcome writer’s block is by writing. It is as simple as that. For example, Julia Cameron has an exercise “morning pages” that helps to release creative powers, even if you are not a writer. It can help any type of artist or creative person to overcome the block and fear of beginning.

The main idea is to write 3 pages per day, first thing in the morning. They do not have to be good or specific, just journal about anything that comes to mind. It helps to clear the head and put off the pressure.

Self-Awareness and Confidence

Journaling about everyday life and things helps to get a better understanding of who you are. It also makes a person more aware of the people and situations in their life. What makes you happy, what makes you confident? Being aware of such things increases the quality of life, as one can nurture what makes them happy and eliminate toxic and stressful things.

And journaling about positive experiences helps to relive them. A person gets to feel the same achievement and satisfaction as in the moment of the experience. It releases dopamine, endorphin and helps to boost self-confidence.

In Summary

Journaling is an amazing habit one can practice. It has numerous benefits to physical and mental health. It reduces stress and anxiety, might helps with symptoms of depression. It also boosts self-awareness and confidence. From the point of physical health, it increases brain function, endorses the immune system and reduces illness risks. Overall, it makes a person more happy, healthy and emotionally adjusted.

Misty Blais is a professional journalist with more than 10 years of experience. She’s worked as a writer and a producer for magazines and radio stations. Misty is currently writing for various media as a contributing journalist.