Don't be afraid to ask for help with the most critical first step of your writing journey - the query.
I’ve been blogging since 2011 and have critiqued over 200 queries here on the blog using my Hatchet of Death. This is how I edit myself, it is how I edit others. If you think you want to play with me and my hatchet, shoot me an email.
If the Saturday Slash has been helpful to you in the past, or if you’d like for me to take a look at your query please consider making a donation, if you are able.
If you’re ready to take the next step, I also offer editing services.
My thoughts are in blue, words to delete are in red, suggested rephrasing is in orange.
Love and Guts at the End of Times is a new adult horrormance novel complete at 70,000 pitched as Nobody Wants This but with zombies. It will appeal to fans of Wilder Girls’ hooky plot and horror vibes. Good start, I would assume that the agent you're pitching to would know this comp titles without author names attached. I don't, but it's not my genre.
If you asked twenty-two-year-old Romance Podcast co-host Viv McCallister how the world might end, she’d totally vote: large space rock collides with Earth. The second best-case scenario, sexy vampires suck everyone dry. Not zombies. It’s never zombies. So when her sister, and podcast co-host, convinces her to take a three-day date-cation with her childhood sweetheart ‘for the likes’ and the possibility of a podcast sponsorship, Viv thinks the worst that can happen is surviving a few awkward moments with a man she hasn’t seen in ten years. Great para, awesome voice. The only thing I'd consider tweaking is what I have highlighted above, just for space / flow / word count.
So of course, it's zombies. The worst that can actually happen, is her sister getting abducted by a ragtag group of surfer zombies, getting bit by one herself (how dare!), and falling for her childhood crush who might be the zombie uberlord. Or is it overlord?Not quite sure what the joke is there And to think, all she wanted was to stay home in her sweats and send her sister hilarious Instagram Reels. Did she? But why? Is she going through a breakup? Is the podcast her only job? If she wants to isolate and seal herself off, even pre apocalypse, I wasn't getting that vibe until now.
But no, hermititis I had to Google this b/c I assumed it had something to do with zombies is frowned upon by their listeners, her sister, and her anemic bank account. Now, she has to find a cure for zombie-ism, rescue her sister from flesh-hungry dude-man-bros, and fight the insatiable ache (not that kind of ache) that keeps growing for a taste of human flesh. And all of this in the tiniest sundress because god forbid she packed the Target sweats her sister forbade her from bringing (they’re not Costco for shitsake). As Captain Underpants’ is this referencing the childhood love interest? Not sure I'm connecting the dots there secrets rise like a horde of angry corpses, they’ll go from surviving the weekend together, to survival mode. Awkward phrasing here, and I'm not sure what the secrets are? Go on vacation, they said. You’ll get laid, they said. Sure. If she doesn’t die first.
After parting amicably from my agent, I am seeking representation on a new book. When I’m not drafting feral characters, I’m lovingly domesticating feral middle schoolers (as a teacher). I also hone my craft with The Uber Writing Group while sipping on a cup of coffee—even though I gave it up. Really great and full of voice! I'm not sure that anything after the Costco line is really adding much that isn't already covered, so I'd consider cutting. Otherwise, you're in really good shape!