Don't be afraid to ask for help with the most critical first step of your writing journey - the query.
I’ve been blogging since 2011 and have critiqued over 200 queries here on the blog using my Hatchet of Death. This is how I edit myself, it is how I edit others. If you think you want to play with me and my hatchet, shoot me an email.
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My thoughts are in blue, words to delete are in red, suggested rephrasing is in orange.
As far as Seventeen-year-old Jayniss knows, she grew up in the last remaining human settlement on Earth in a pocket of wilderness that used to be urban Pennsylvania. I don't think you need to clarify that this information is as far she knows. If she's going to learn otherwise as part of the plot, I think it's adding to word count unnecessarily One hundred million years ago, an asteroid struck Earth, decimating nearly all life except an emergency bunker of US government officials and a hearty Amazon Rainforest lizard species. Afterward, while the humans attempted to reclaim Earth, the lizard which evolved into the terrosaur, a species similar to dinosaurs, though much larger, fiercer, and more intelligent. This might need some clarification - larger, fiercer, and more intelligent than ALL dinosaurs? It might be better to pick a specific type of dinosuar The terrosaurs spread throughout the Americas, greatly inhibiting humans’ growth. Jayniss’s settlement exists only because a species of incredibly tall, thick trees congests its borders, making it rare for a terrosaur to penetrate them.
But one day, Jayniss accidentally strikes and kills a baby terrosaur with her father’s pickup truck. Just a quick world building note here - gasoline loses viability eventually, so unless this bunker has it's own method of creating gasoline, or this truck is not powered by fossil fuel, this doesn't work Upon inspection, the lizard appears to have a barcode imprinted on its thigh, meaning a lifeform advanced enough to brand the lethal beasts exists somewhere out in the wild. Jayniss figures if her settlement can somehow make contact with this lifeform, it might abolish the terrosaur threat so humans can evolve again. But why would she think that this other settlement has interest in abolishing terrosaurs in the first place? The barcode indicates nothing other than the existence of an intelligent species - not their intentions.
But before she can inform the mayor about her discovery, a tribe of terrosaurs attacks the village in retaliation, forcing everyone to flee. What happened to the protective trees? Nobody can ever return either, as the terrosaurs will remember where they lived. That seems terribly plot convenient Now Jayniss must try to contact the advanced lifeform in the wild in the hopes it will help her and her settlement’s survivors restore their society and maybe even evolve again What does this mean? How have humans evolved?—before they all become terrosaur grub, or worse.
It's an interesting plot, but it feels unexplored within the query. Is contacting the other civilization really the only goal within the story? Do they make contact and find out that the other people aren't what they were hoping for? We also need to know more about Jayniss in general - what's her character like? I don't have any feel for who she is as a person. Scrappy? Scared? Willful? Quiet? I have no idea based on what's here.